Carlos Cruz-Diez

Posted in MediaArt by tpdr on February 28, 2009

About a week ago I found this colorful spread which had to promote a work by Carlos Cruz-Diez (°17/08/1923, Caracas, Venezuela). The ‘folder’ was published by Hans-Ulrich Obrist of the Serpentine Gallery in London, but the most interesting information I found on the homepage of Carlos Cruz-Diez. The work, which was promoted, is called Chromosaturations and is an artificial environment. As a visitor you enter three small rooms, next to eachother. One is a filled with green light, a second one with red light and the third is colored by blue lights. On pictures I thought it looked already interesting because you can really see the mixing of color on the ‘borders’ between two rooms. Then again I realised the effect in reality must be a lot stronger since color is perceived and generates ‘after-images’.

As Carlos Cruz-Diez has been researching color in art for a long time, and since he also wrote the most important information in a pdf on his site, people interested in color should really read this document.