They eat people!

Posted in Theatre by tpdr on November 24, 2008

‘They eat people’ is a new play and a collaboration between Union Suspecte and Abattoir Fermé. Flanders has become independent and a new right wing party proposes their presidential candidate. Their strategies remind you of the american elections, but the big question is: could this fiction become reality?

A minimalistic scenography with intelligent use of media creates the right ambiance. Humor is used as a powerful tool to grab your attention. And as the sound of laughter and applause dies out, you ask yourself ‘What if…?’ In short all ingredients are there to make this a play worth going to the theatre for.

[‘They eat people’ by Ruud Gielens(Union Suspecte) and Joost Vandecasteele(Abattoir Fermé). Actors: Mourade Zengeuni,  Zouzou Ben Chika en Joost Vandecasteele]